The Secret One Skill

Do you want to take your life up to the next level? YES! Well, you need to master this one skill.

Who doesn’t want more out of life? Improved work performance, better relationships and increased self growth—all accessible by acquiring one, new skill. The secret comes down to mastering one simple, powerful daily action.

Our daily actions define who we are and who we are becoming.  Habits are doing a learned behavior without thinking—In other words, unconsciously. Once you are in a certain situation, then BAM! You automatically jump into action or inaction.  This is the simplicity, power and challenge of habits. Here’s the catch, most of us don’t have a daily habit that connect us with our longer goals and outcomes. 

Check this yourself: Have you looked today at your monthly, weekly and even daily goals?  Here me out on this—most people tend to look at only their daily tasks, which are often confused for daily goals.  Tasks are low-value, immediate duties.  Daily goals, on the other hand, are building blocks to accomplishing your weekly goals, which in turn are stepping stones to achieving your monthly goals.  Monthly goals are the bridges to achieving your outcomes. 

Want to level up your life? Start with the simple act of looking at your monthly, weekly and daily goals every morning.  Make it a habit by tying this new activity to something you already do as a trigger such before reading the morning newspaper, prior to checking email at work or while you’re brushing  your teeth.  This connects your daily actions with who you want to be, where you want to be, what you want to achieve.  Just like brushing your teeth, you will start to start focusing on achieving your goals without thinking about it. And where focus goes, goals show. 

As always, I wish you the best to make each day count!~Tyke

PS.  What is the difference between outcomes and goals? HUGE difference! We’ll talk about it next time. 


So often we check things off our daily "To Do" list and they are not even things we "have to do" and they are not things that brings us to where we want to go. So this is good insight on how we can we can make the little changes that end up making a massive change in the long run...

Simon, you nailed it! We waste our days away on things that don't "bring us to where we want to go. What you do today determines who you will be tomorrow.~Tyke